

Support Driftless Region Aerospace Innovation Center and Driftless Region Youth Flight with a chance to win an airplane valued at $100,000 or $65,000 in cash…winner’s choice.

Only 4000 tickets will be sold.

Tickets may be purchased separately or in groups at discounted rates.

Sweepstakes drawing happens once all 4000 tickets have been sold, date yet unkown.

Video drawing will be broadcast on the Driftless Region Youth Flight FB page.

Emails and phone calls will be sent/made to the winner.

If you purchase this offer multiple times you will receive the appropriate number of entries in the sweepstakes drawing.

1 Ticket: $100
3 Tickets: $95 ea.
5 Tickets: $90 ea.

Terms and Conditions:

All legal residents of the United States (except AK, FL, HI, NY, RI) are 18 years or older are eligible to participate.

Grand Prize:

Vans RV-12 ULS Aircraft or $65,000 Dollars…winner’s choice.

2018 Student-built Vans Rv-12, ~900 hrs total time, Dynon Skyview, Garmin GTR200, iPad dock.


Driftless Region Youth Flight Airplane

All funds support the Driftless Region Aerospace Innovation Center and Driftless Region Youth Flight.

Buy Your Tickets Here

"*" indicates required fields

Credit Card

Sweepstakes Rules


Each campaign is a multi-purpose multipurpose effort. First, we (Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc.), a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity, which receives all, or most, donations made through Driftless Region Youth Flight’s online platform (Platform) and uses said donations to operate Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. Our campaigns bring together well-known companies who can serve as prize providers (Prize Providers) and who allow the use of their logo and name on our Platform. The prizes (Prizes) are ones that almost anybody (see restrictions below) can enter to win.

We use our Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. website to manage all of our Campaigns, including the participation of Participants. This minimizes our expenses and allows Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. to put more funds back into our educational programming.


Participants (You) in any sweepstakes sponsored by Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. must be legal residents of the United States. We currently exclude legal residents of Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, New York, and Rhode Island from participating in sweepstakes that it is promoting. All participants must be 18 years or older, unless specified in the rules governing a future, specific sweepstakes.

All full or part-time employees of Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., members of their households and immediate families (e.g. parents, spouses, domestic partners, siblings and children) are ineligible. Further, all board members and/or employees of Partner Charities and their households and immediate families are ineligible along with any employees of the sweepstakes Prize Partner and their households and immediate families.

From time to time, we may limit the frequency of how often an individual is eligible to win a prize within a defined time frame. Any individual who uses a bot, software, any other codes, other mechanical or technological methods for the purpose of entering into a sweepstakes in a manner that provides an advantage over individuals who enter manually, will be disqualified from the sweepstakes that they entered and all future sweepstakes and promotions, subject to Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. sole discretion. Further, if anybody attempts to deliberately damage or undermine the legitimate operation of the sweepstakes/campaign they may be in violation of criminal and civil laws. If anybody deliberately attempts to damage or undermine the sweepstakes/campaign, we may seek damages from that person to the furthest extent of the law.

Consent & Agreement to Rule

By entering and participating in the sweepstakes, the Contestant (You) agree to be fully and unconditionally bound by these Official Rules and any additional rules published in conjunction with a specific sweepstakes. By entering the sweepstakes, you warrant that you meet the eligibility requirements. Further, you agree to accept the decisions of Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., promoter of this sweepstakes, as final and binding as it relates to the rules of this sweepstakes.

As a contestant in the sweepstakes, you waive any right to claim ambiguity with respect to these Official Rules or any additional rules published in conjunction with a specific, future sweepstakes. You also agree to waive all of your rights to bring any judicial claim or action against Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., its Partner Charities or Prize Partners.

In lieu of a claim in front of a judge in court, you agree to settle any disputes with Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., or its partner Charities or Prize Partners in relation to any sweepstakes promoted by Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. through Arbitration; No Class Action.


Entering and participating in the sweepstakes constitutes your acceptance of this Arbitration provision.

As a condition of participation in a sweepstakes, each Contestant (you / your) and Sponsor (we / us) agrees that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action (collectively, Claims) arising out of or connected with such Game (except for small claims court Claims, if applicable) shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), including the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes, for full and final settlement of such Claim applying the Federal Arbitration Act and other federal arbitration laws. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE WAIVING YOUR RIGHT TO SUE OR GO TO COURT TO ASSERT OR DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THIS CONTRACT. YOU AND WE ALSO AGREE THAT (A) ANY CLAIMS WILL BE RESOLVED INDIVIDUALLY NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS REPRESENTATIVE, MEMBER OF OTHERWISE ON BEHALF OF OTHERS IN ANY PURPOSED CLASS, COLLECTIVE, OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING AND NOT THROUGH ANY CLASS ACTION, (B) IF A CLAIM PROCEEDS IN COURT ANYWAY, WE BOTH WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL; AND (C) EITHER YOU OR WE MAY SEEK A COURT INJUNCTION REGARDING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT. ARBITRATION DOES NOT INVOLVE A JUDGE OR JURY. Although court review of an arbitration award may be limited, an arbitrator is empowered to award the same damages and relief as a court, including injunctive relief or statutory damages. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may seek temporary or emergency equitable relief to enforce its rights in any court of competent jurisdiction.

You may seek arbitration of a Claim by contacting our registered agent at: Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. 712 Main Street, La Crosse, WI 54601. The arbitration may be conducted via telephone, written submissions or in person at a mutually agreed location. Payment of all filing, administration, arbitrator and/or mediator fees (Fees) will be governed by AAAs rules. The AAAs rules are available at: www.adr.org or call 800-778-7879 (toll-free) for instructions on how to obtain a copy. Unless the AAA arbitrator determines that your Claim was frivolous, we will (i) reimburse you for Fees paid by you, and (ii) will not seek reimbursement from you for our attorneys fees and costs associated with the arbitration. You and we further agree that any award and any judgment confirming it only applies to the arbitration in which it was awarded and cannot be used in any other proceeding except to enforce the award itself and any post-arbitration action seeking to enforce an arbitration award or action seeking equitable or injunctive relief shall be brought exclusively in the courts of the State of Wisconsin, or the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin. For any Claims that are not subject to arbitration, if any: (a) the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for proceedings involving Claims shall be the courts of competent jurisdiction sitting within the State of Wisconsin (the Forum), and the parties hereby waive any argument that any such court does not have personal jurisdiction or that the Forum is not appropriate or convenient; (b) you and we waive any and all rights to trial by jury with respect to any Claims.


Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., intends to operate each sweepstakes as fairly and equitably as possible. We use a system so that entries are treated equally. Each free entry is automatically assigned the equivalent value (worth) as the chance to win when you donate the minimum required for each campaign, typically $100). Each person, identified by their legal name, primary residence address, phone number and e-mail address is limited to 5 free entries, per sweepstakes campaign. For example, if a person sends 10 postcards to Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. attempting to enter the sweepstakes 10 times, 5 postcards will be discarded and not entered into the sweepstakes. You do not have to make a donation/purchase to enter the sweepstakes but if you do, we may offer you certain perks. These perks are not part of the sweepstakes/campaign as they are based on donations.

Sweepstakes Start and End, Dates and Times

The start and end date for each specific sweepstakes (known as campaign) will be listed at http://www.dryouthflight.org/sweepstakes. Campaigns will end at a specific time on a specific date or when a maximum amount of donations has been reached. This period of time is called the campaign window. All entries must be received within 48 hours of the campaign window ending.


The winner of the sweepstakes/campaign will win the prize specified on the campaign site and in the specific rules published in conjunction with the specific campaign. The approximate retail value of the prize will also be displayed on the campaign site or in the specific campaign rules. The prize is nontransferable and cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash unless allowed by the rules governing a specific sweepstakes.

Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc.. reserves the right, in our sole discretion, to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. As Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc.. works with Prize Partners to make all prizes available to You, as such, all prizes are subject to availability. If a Prize Partner does not actually deliver the specific prize to us, we wont be able to deliver that specific prize but will substitute a prize of equal of greater value.

General Conditions

All federal, state and local taxes are the sole responsibility of you, the Winner, and you acknowledge that the value of the Prize may be considered taxable income in some jurisdictions. If expressly indicated on the campaign site, in addition to the Prize, the Winner will receive a single cash payment in the form of a gift card or corporate check which is intended to assist with any federal, state, or other tax obligations related to the Prize (the Tax Gross-Up Payment). The Tax Gross-Up Payment, if applicable, may not be sufficient to cover the Winners entire tax liability related to winning the Prize. The Winner is otherwise solely responsible for the payment of taxes to the relevant taxing authorities for all federal, state and local income taxes and any other taxes associated with the Prize and the related Tax Gross-Up Payment. Sponsor will comply with all tax reporting requirements. A Form 1099 will be sent to the IRS (with a copy to the Winner) to report the combined value of the Prize and, if applicable, the Tax Gross-Up Payment, all of which is fully includible in the Winners taxable income. Certain prizes may have other restrictions or limitations, including, but not limited to the example below.

Prizes that include winning an automobile, aircraft, boat or other vehicle: sales tax, freight, destination charges, delivery, additional equipment, licensing, registration, insurance, title and all other expenses on the receipt and/or use of the prize vehicle are the sole responsibility of the Winner. The Winner of the prize vehicle is not eligible for any cash rebate programs. Interior/exterior colors of the vehicle will be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Winner must have a valid drivers license and proof of insurance to take delivery of prize vehicle and must take delivery of the vehicle at a dealership to be determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion. Winner of vehicle prize agrees that neither Sponsor, its Partners, nor the vehicle manufacturer has made nor is responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to the prize vehicle, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness, except the prize vehicle does include the manufacturers standard vehicle limited warranty as set forth in the vehicles Owners Guide.

By participating in the sweepstakes/campaign, you agree to release and hold harmless Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., its Partners, its/their advertising and promotion agencies involved with the sweepstakes/campaign, and each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors, from any and all liability, for loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever including without limitation, property damage, personal injury and/or death which may occur in connection with, preparation for, travel to, or participation in the sweepstakes/campaign, or possession, acceptance and/or use or misuse of the Prize, or participation in any sweepstakes-related activity and for any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy or Prize delivery. Entrants who do not comply with these Official Rules or attempt to interfere with the Game in any way shall be disqualified. Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. is not responsible for any printing, typographical, mechanical, technological, human or other errors in these Official Rules, in the administration of the Game, in the announcement of the Prize, and/or in any advertising or other associated promotional materials in connection with the Game.

Governing Law

The Official Rules will be governed by Wisconsin law and federal law, regardless of where you live, or from where you accessed the sweepstakes/campaign and regardless of the conflict of laws provision.

Winner Promotion

By entering into the sweepstakes or accepting the Prize, you give Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. and its partners permission for to use your name, address (city and state only), likeness, photograph, picture, portrait, voice, biographical information and/or any statements made by you, the Winner (including as paraphrased statements) regarding the sweepstakes/campaign or Sponsor for advertising and promotional purposes, now and into the future. We can use this information without notice or additional compensation, in any form of media, including media that does not yet exist, except where prohibited by law.


The odds of winning a prize a sweepstakes/campaign depend on the number of eligible entries received during the campaign window. A specific sweepstakes/campaign may have approximate odds listed on the campaign website but the odds may be skewed by the number of free entries received. Typical odds of winning will be 1/4000 per entry.

Winner Selection & Notification

Within 10 business days of the close of the campaign window (or as specified in the specific sweepstakes/campaign rules on the campaign site) we will use a random automated drawing process to select a Potential Winner/Winners from among all eligible entries received. The drawing and awarding of the Prize will be conducted by us, the Sponsor. The Potential Winner will be notified by email and/or telephone. If the Potential Winner does not respond to the email and/or voicemail from us within 72 hours, that Potential Winner may be disqualified, and an alternate potential winner may be randomly selected from among the remaining eligible entries and notified in the same manner as the original Potential Winner. We will need to confirm the identity of the Potential Winner and that confirmation will be undertaken by us, through whatever means we shall deem appropriate. The confirmation process may include a background check, to ensure that the Potential Winner meets the legal standards required. The Potential Winner agrees to provide us with the information we request, including but not limited to, full legal name, date of birth and address. Upon a positive outcome of the confirmation process we will notify the Potential Winner via email. The Potential Winner must respond within the time frame designated in the email. If the Potential Winner does not respond we may move on to another randomly selected Potential Winner. We shall have no liability for the Potential Winners failure to receive notices due to spam, junk email or other security settings or if the Potential Winner provides incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the Potential Winner rejects the Prize, or is otherwise ineligible to receive the Prize, or fails to comply with these Official Rules, another Potential Winner will be chosen in a subsequent random drawing. If for any reason a Winner chooses to reject any portion of any prize, Sponsor shall have no obligation to award the rejected or unclaimed portion of any Prize to an alternate winner.

Use of Data

We will be collecting some data from you as you enter the sweepstakes. We will only use that data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Winners Name or Copy of the Official Rules

If you would like know the name of the winner of any sweepstakes/campaign, to verify the validity of the campaign, or if you would like a copy of these Official Rules, send a self-addressed, postage stamped envelope to: Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc., c/o Winner List, PO BOX 751, La Crosse, WI 54602-0751 no later than 30 days after the end date of the Campaign Window and well send you a list of the winners. Or you can look them up yourself on the permanent Campaigns section at http://www.dryouthflight/sweepstakes/contest

How to Enter

Driftless Region Youth Flight, Inc. provides two ways for you to enter the sweepstakes. Both are very simple and will not require much of you in terms of time or effort.

To make a donation/purchase:Visit https://www.dryouthflight.org/sweepstakes and choose the sweepstakes you want to enter.

To enter for free: Send a postcard to Driftless Region Youth Flight,Inc., PO BOX 751, La Crosse, WI 54602-0751 and include the following information: Title of the sweepstakes, your legal name, your e-mail address, phone number and your primary residence street address/city/zip code. You will receive your entry code via e-mail within 7 calendar days if your entry is valid.

Want to get involved?

Get in touch or make a donation.